Monthly Meeting Opportunities - "The Church Scattered"



We are always engaged in the process of developing and deploying LIFE GROUPS (also referred to as Parish Groups).  These groups meet at various times throughout the week and in various locations throughout the area.  See more details HERE on how to become part of a Life Group.


Nothing regularly scheduled at this time.


Nothing regularly scheduled at this time.


Morning Prayer:  Each Tuesday from 7:00 to 7:20 AM, we gather virtually on Zoom for a Morning Prayer service, based on the MP liturgy in the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. If you are interested in joining us, please log in to the Zoom link listed on our ZOOM PAGE.


Nothing regularly scheduled at this time.


Women's Bible Study:  This group meets every Thursday morning at the church from 8:30 a.m. to approximately 10:00 a.m. Together, we study various Christian books, books of the bible, and other resources to nourish and feed our Christian walk. We welcome newcomers at any time. Group members share their lives, pray, and discuss and study Scripture together.  If you are interested in joining us or have questions about the group, please contact Stephanie Pollard at 719- 559-1197, or email her at


Men's Fellowship Group:  This Men's Group meets for food and fellowship each Friday morning from 7:00 - 8:30 am at the church building in the fellowship hall.  We meet to share the Word and our lives with a view towards building friendships and living Godly lives. We pray for one another, discuss modern culture, families, relationships, church, and how to live the Christian life in the midst of it all.  If you are interested in joining us or have questions about the group, please contact Deacon Mark Summers at 719-505-8021, or email him at


Nothing regularly scheduled at this time.