Weekly Update: February 20-25, 2024

Schedule for Sunday, February 25 

We continue our regular two-service Sunday this weekend, the Second Sunday in Lent. We will have services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Jeff Stone will be preaching at both services.

During the second service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open. Our High School and Middle School youth will meet after the second service.

Other Items of Interest

Shrove Tuesday Food Drive: Our food drive for Tri-Lakes Cares on Shrove Tuesday generated a donation of 220 pounds of food and household items for the TLC Market & Pantry. 220 pounds!! Thank you for your generosity and for your participation in our pancake feast. A good time was had by all!

Intercessory Prayer Service via Zoom: Join us on Thursday evening from 6:30-7:30 PM for the first of our online evening services for Lenten intercessory prayer. We will "wrap" the prayer time with a short Evening Prayer liturgy and will offer plenty of room for participants to share their own prayers of intercession for the world and our country, for our community and region, for the church, and for our family and friends. This service will be offered only via Zoom, and the link is as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81129486319.

Baptism Class - Sundays until mid-March (between services):

This class is for anyone who wants to be baptized or have their children baptized, for anyone exploring the Christian faith, or anyone who is still discerning if they or their children want to be baptized. The class will be in preparation for our baptisms which will be held on Easter Sunday, March 31. Sign-ups are still open for this 6-week class. If you are interested, please see Pastor Jeff.


You can find more information about these and other events on the Special Events page  at the Holy Trinity website. The link is as follows:
