
To ensure the safety and security of our children, we have implemented a simple process to check your child into their catechesis class and to check your child out when it’s time to return to the main service. The following video explains the process:

In order to use the check-in process, you will need to have an account in our CCB environment for yourself, and your children need to be listed. You can set up a CCB account through the form at THIS LINK.

You can find additional information on the process in the following documents:

Check-in Flyer

Check-in Process for Parents

Process for Teachers

Children’s Ministry

Nursery Care:

The nursery is available from 10:30 to 11:45 (at Communion), staffed by volunteers.   We have a short praise time including a Bible story, singing and prayer.  We know even the littlest ones are ready to know the love of Jesus.  

Children’s catechesis

Holy Trinity seeks to support and disciple children and their families through catechesis. Catechesis is offered during the sermon and prayers of the people portion of the second service and runs about 40 min. Children begin and end worship in the service with their families. The current class season of Children’s Catechesis will end on Sunday, May 26, and the new class season will begin on Sunday, September 8, 2024.

Level 1 serves children in preschool and kindergarten. Our vision is create an environment that enables young children to encounter God through his Word. Within the framework of family morning prayer, we watch and listen to God's story unfold. We respond with wondering questions, reading from Scripture, responsive prayer, art work, and by retelling the story using the story materials. The key posture for this level is worship as wonder. To help us tell God's stories, we are using Young Children and Worship by Sonja M. Stewart and Jerome W. Berryman.

Level 2 serves children in grade 1-3. Our vision is to create an environment where children learn to articulate their encounter with God in his Word through conversation. All conversation is enfolded within a brief liturgical framework centered on the reading and memorizing of Scripture. To help guide our conversation, we are using conversation pages developed by Picture the Bible which engage learners and leaders using a variety of ideas, images, questions, information and background. By considering Scripture together, we aim to understand how Bible stories inform our lives, shape our worldview and articulate what it means to be a faithful disciple. The key posture in Level 2 is worship as conversation.